Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today...the first day of the new hijrah year, 1429H. It was almost lunch time and suddenly I craved for something different.


Then I remembered.

This is different....Iranian bread with meatball in baked beans. Got it from a mini market selling middle eastern food products in "korean city" somewhere near Ampang Point.

The shop has been in existence for about 7 years there and I've been living round the corner for almost 14 years...and didn't even know about it until..a virtual friend whom I have met in reality (I suppose this is what VIRTUAL REALITY is all about) told me about it a few weeks ago.

Thanks ka...


azieazah said...

Hmmm... sapa itu “virtual friend” huh? (garu dagu)

jaiman said...

rahsiyerrrrr...(sapu dagu) tapi u dan yang tanglin dan tanglain dah jadi reality...hehehe

Arrianim said...

Not me right?

jaiman said...

armjay...u r right...heheheeee